The Design Code is the document which translates the aspiration of the Neighbourhood Plan with its appreciation of Penn Parish’s existing character, into a set of design
codes which will apply to any future housing development in the area. This will help to ensure that as any new development comes forward, it takes local needs and views into account and supports and enhances the quality of Penn Parish's existing character.

Summary and Highlights of the Design Code
The design code sets out what is required of new development in different areas of the Parish to raise the standard of design. It is part of Policy 1 Penn Parish Design Code.
The summary below gives links to the key parts of the Design Code that you may find more convenient.
The first part to the end of chapter 4, provides an introduction and context analysis of the character of the Parish.
Chapter 3 describes the local context and key characteristics of Penn Parish related to history, built environment, streetscape, landscape and locally important views.
Chapter 4 describes the key characteristics in each of the settlements in the Parish, with a character summary, followed by each character area. Use these links to jump to Character Area Studies for:
Winchmore Hill
Penn Street
Knotty Green
Forty Green
The second part of the design code provides guidance on the design of development, setting out the expectations that applicants for planning permission in the Parish will be expected to follow.
Chapter 5 sets out four aspects of design which are particularly relevant to the Parish:
Environmental and Energy Efficiency
There is then guidance as to how to apply design codes to each character area
Finally there a checklist to be used for planning applications to show that they conform to the code